~ from the dis-order, dis-ease, and dis-integration of painful sensations, conflicting thoughts, destructive emotions,
and other aftereffects of chronic or acute traumatic experiences*;
experiences that rob, kill, and destroy the natural order and ease of one's daily life.
And begin to experience a restoration of the Original Blessing bestowed by the Creator!
A Cura Personalis: "Care for the entire person”
~ * Regarding the preeminent biblical promise of holistic care for the traumatized see Psalm 34:18 (ESV) and Luke 4:18-19 (NKJV)
and related discussions on pages 56, 87, 157 & 309
Transforming Mindfulness: I Rest in Him ~
The practice of I Rest in Him, aka iRest in Him, may be likened to an invivo bible study. It is, as it were, a study of the living human document (a human being).
Enhancing awareness of one's lived and direct experience is a key component; initially facilitated by a gentle awareness of some rather profoundly simple instructions.
You will be invited to embark upon a well-trodden
path of meditation, at your preferred rate and level of understanding. Your direct experience will spontaneously begin to unfold from within the deep roots and pathways of
ancient wisdom, long embodied within the Judeo-Christian spiritual tradition. ☧
Mindfully explore your direct experience, uncover a perennial source of restoration, discover what it means to be "fearfully and wonderfully made", and experience :
“I Rest in Him”.
The Practice Companion is recommended for convenient use at home- but is also suitable for use in other appropriate individual or group settings (e.g. hospitals, clinics, study groups)..
The audio includes a “10-Precepts for Practice” orientation and a unique Judeo-Christian focused iRestinHim meditation. It concludes with a 'just as it is' version of Richard Miller’s original Integrative Restoration (iRest) Meditation, narrated by Dr. Vince Arnold.
The audio is intended as a practice supplement to the primary book:
Transforming Mindfulness:
I Rest in Him.
Individuals are encouraged to use both resources, and both meditation versions, at different times of the day; as often as desired. ☧
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It has been my honor and pleasure to know Vince and share his passion for helping students relieve their suffering and awaken to and enhance their spiritual and/or religious faith through the teachings of iRest.
Richard Miller
Founder, iRest® Institute
I knew that others could tell I was changing. I already knew I was feeling better, but it felt really good to hear it from my wife! She could see it. For the first time, in a long time, I had a bit of hope about my recovery, and my future.
My career, and overall personal life, seems like one constant hurricane after another. But when I come to my iRest practice, I discover what it's like to live in the center.... I'm learning to stay in the center, or more quickly return whenever I get caught in the turbulence.
Mother, USMC Combat Veteran,
diagnosed with PTSD and mTBI
I am a clinical practitioner who worked side by side with Dr. Arnold in an interdisciplinary clinic that embodied the holistic medicine model of treating mind-body-spirit... in Transforming Mindfulness: I Rest in Him, he adroitly makes the case for integrating Judeo-Christian religious beliefs with these meditative practices rather than keeping them mutually exclusive... in this masterfully written compendium.
John Difini, MD
Clinical Neurologist
Anxiety is like a fog all around me and weight upon my shoulders I've always been a rather anxious person, but since my deployment it has gotten worse and worse over time. During iRest it simply dissolves. I feel brand new. It's a true story.
... an illuminating compendium on the intersect of Christianity and Mindful Meditation that sheds light on ancient and modern perspectives, and especially iRest Meditation... A rich read indeed.
"Where spirituality is absent, introduce it.
Where it is present, enhance it.
Where it is dormant, awaken it."
Transforming Mindfulness: I Rest In Him, page xliv