~ iRest in Him: A Practice Companion ~
Represents A Three-Part Personal Practice Audio Guide designed to facilitate a Deep Dive into a Guided, yet personal, Meditation Praxis.
* (Praxis = Practice)!
"Seek in reading and you will find in meditation,
knock in prayer and it will be opened in contemplation."
(St. John of the Cross, 1542-1591 AD)
Interested but new to meditation practice?
Overwhelmed by the array of unfamiliar, often stereotyped, practices?
The audio is a good place to begin, as it provides the backstory to the primary text, and especially because it offers a basic 10-Practice Precepts orientation for careful consideration before participating in your first iRestinHim meditation session.
It is a guided meditation. Thus, profoundly simple instructions will safely guide you throughout your practice. Nonetheless, at least one caution is apropos to this unique meditation:
Please do not underestimate the significance of the simple instructions or the profound implications of the specific pathways outlined step-by-step throughout the practice!
iRestinHim meditation is based on principles derived from a holistic mindfulness-oriented ancient exercise technology. The benefits of contemporary mindfulness are well documented by a robust body of evidence-based literature and scientific research.
Please consider this your invitation to begin an exciting meditative journey. But don't take my word for it. Please take the path of iRestinHim meditation and discover for yourself.
The iRest and iRestinHim meditations are also potentially transformative and transcendent. They possess resonating elements remarkably akin to aspects of numerous meditation practices described throughout generations of global Judeo-Christian wisdom literature and spiritual writings.
For example, this seems to be the case regarding a 12th-century practice similarly described as a ten-stepped pathway, i.e. a "Ladder of Divine Graces"
(Theophanis the Monk,
in Philokalia).
It represents a fitting preamble
to contemporary iRest in Him
Check it out. Then do your iRest practice, and decide for yourself~
based upon
your direct experience, numerous Judeo-Christian writings, and multiple biblical precedents (cf. the story of Jacob's Ladder, found in Genesis 28).
Unwind at home with your preferred hardback, paperback, or eBook version of the Transforming Mindfulness: I Rest in Him.
Some might prefer to begin by listening to the audio practice supplement before beginning a more studious review of the book. Together, the resources represent a unique portal to personal study and a direct experience of awareness, hence an invivo bible study!
It’s your choice! Either way, take your time.
Personal experience is the best teacher.
New Paragraph
The iRest in Him meditation is based upon “a compendium of resources retrieved from the vast historical roots of mindfulness. These resources, and the roots they represent, are not the exclusive domain of any ethnic group, generation, denomination, tradition, or location. The roots of mindfulness are not pot-bound. They grow in the expansive soil of a perennial spirituality, especially among contemplative and mystical adepts.” (Dr. Arnold, Transforming Mindfulness, page lxviii).
Over 450 bibliographic resources and more than 460 footnotes are cited throughout the Transforming Mindfulness text.
Inquiring minds will find a delicious compendium of information and resource materials from the fields of psychology, theology, spirituality, philosophy, modern science, and religious and transtraditional studies, including the expansive root-systems of Judeo-Christian classical and wisdom literature (e.g. biblical and extra biblical resource materials).
Enter the world of mindfulness-oriented meditation, via our iRestinHim.org resources, and discover an expansive awareness of presence ~ the Kingdom of God around you, and the Kingdom of God within you! ☧
* These resources are intended for personal or group practice.
"Where spirituality is absent, introduce it.
Where it is present, enhance it.
Where it is dormant, awaken it."
Transforming Mindfulness: I Rest In Him, page xliv